Essential Tips to Secure Your Data in Cloud – Cyber Security

by KEN

Let us start off with the very basics, what is cloud storage? This is simply the future of all businesses, from corporate organizations right down to start-ups. It is a model of computer data storage through which the data is kept in logical pools. Simply put, you upload files to a cloud storage service. There are various types of these services ranging from free services to paid services. If we talk about web security of course, you must secure your website with an SSL certificate that secures online data transition on your site. After all, what good is a website that isn’t safe? All your efforts to employ cloud storage services will be futile.

Let’s take a look at another aspect of cloud storage that is cloud computing. Let’s start with the definition, it is a certain type of computing that is dependent on shared resources as compared to having local servers or some personally owned gadgets to handle applications, these services are exclusively rendered over the internet and are paid for by the client.

Since these services are over the internet, of course hackers tend to see an opportunity here. Let us take a look at some common cloud computing threats and ways to mitigate them:

  1. Data breaches– it is a top concern among cloud storage users
  2. Insider threats– this is no small feat. A recent survey indicates that 53% of organizations globally have had an insider attack
  3. Human error– another survey by Gartner indicates that 95% of cloud security failures are caused by the client.
  4. Account hijacking– this is where hackers really come into play. They can illegally access your account and cause some serious damage.

As you can see above the threats are numerous they could go on and on. But not to worry, this article has the silver lining; it will equip you with the expertise to work out this threats. Read through keenly.

Here are some security tips:

  1. Multi-factor authentication:

This is an authentication procedure where a computer user is given access to material only after presenting two or more pieces of proof that they are supposed to have access.  There are various examples of this, some use biometrics, retina scans, badges and codes generated my phone apps. This is an effective way of securing your cloud storage account.

  1. Monitoring your cloud environment:-

this is quite a lengthy but effective process. It involves reviewing and managing the workflow and all processes in a cloud-based asset. This can go a long way especially to curb insider threats. Also, frequent monitoring will ensure your cloud is operating on maximum capacity.

  1. Avoid storing sensitive information:-

this is where many cloud users go wrong. You don’t store any piece of sensitive information online, because this could do some serious damage if the information lands in the wrong hands. So simply store the information on an external hard-disk that can be stored securely in a physical location.

  1. Use SSL encryption

Secure socket layers are the shear backbone to any online business. Without them, there is no security. Multiple types of SSL certificates are there for example, wildcard SSL certificate to secure main domain along with unlimited number of its first-level subdomains.

  1. Use encrypted cloud service:-

there are various service providers that can encrypt your data for free but for others you will have to pay for annual subscriptions or monthly.  If you use an encrypted service it can let you store confidential files and only you or a chosen recipient will have access to the files. Some service providers include:

  • SpiderOak
  • pCloud
  • com
  • tresorit

The choice is entirely yours.

  1. Frequent data back-ups:

This is a good and a healthy practice for your business. There are a number of merits you will reap from this, let us look at a few:

  • Prevents data loss- in the event of a breach, your information will be away at a secure cloud storage site.
  • Tax audits- it is important for organizations to keep an extra record of finances for auditing by the necessary authorities. Cloud storage comes in handy
  • Archiving- backing up information streamlines the proper development of archives
  1. Check and test your security measures:

Identifying threats in your system to mend the vulnerabilities can go a long way in preventing brute attacks in your cloud storage account. You can simply back up your data and initiate a security drill. This way you can find out how to work through a successful security breach and where possible, strengthen the weak points.

  1. Install anti-virus:-

Anti-virus software are popular nowadays. With names like Avast and Kaspersky renting the airwaves, it is very easy to get suitable software. But however, download antivirus software from a legitimate website.

  1. Use strong passwords:

Mixing words and symbols while coming up with a password is a tip to getting a strong password. Also, you could mix uppercase and lowercase letters and make it at least 15 characters long. A little known fact is that the strongest password is the hardest to remember! The importance of a strong password cannot be overstressed. Hackers invent new ways of gaining access to sites and cloud computing accounts with poor passwords, you never know, you might be next. So do not set care-free passcodes as this is equal to not protecting the account at all.

In conclusion, cloud computing has more merits than the contrary. You can store your information away at a secure virtual location and not have a care in the world. It is a beautiful thing and should be embraced by everyone. Now, even more important is the use of a wildcard SSL that will secure multiple subdomains using only one certificate. That’s right! Only one certificate is enough. So get yourself a wildcard SSL certificate and get on the cloud computing wagon.

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